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export excel file through batch job in ax 2012

                     Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 have a strong batch job functionality that run on periodic time as per user requirement. I have created one batch job that will export invent table data from AX 2012 to excel file. Go through given steps and get this functionality.

Step 1 : Create Contract Class AkkInventTableDataContractBatch

class AkkInventTableDataContractBatch
    ItemType          itemType;

Step 2 : Add parmItemType() method to AkkInventTableDataContractBatch class and write this
public ItemType parmItemType(ItemType  _itemType = itemType)
    itemType  = _itemType;
    return itemType;

Step 3 : Create ServiceClass AkkInventTableBatchService

class AkkInventTableBatchService extends SysOperationServiceBase


Step 4 : Add exportExcel() method to AkkInventTableBatchService class and write this      

public str exportExcel(AkkInventTableDataContractBatch _dataContract)
    SysExcelApplication     application;
    SysExcelCells           cells;
    SysExcelCell            cell;
    SysExcelWorkbooks       workBooks;
    SysExcelWorkbook        workBook;
    SysExcelWorksheets      workSheets;
    SysExcelWorksheet       workSheet;
    InventTable             inventTable;
    int                     row;
    str                     fileName    = "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\InventTable.xls";

    application = SysExcelApplication::construct();
    workBooks   = application.workbooks();
    workBook    = workBooks.add();

    workSheets  = workBook.worksheets();
    workSheet   = workSheets.itemFromNum(1);

    cells       = workSheet.cells();
    cell        = cells.item(1, 1);
    cell        = cells.item(1,2);
    row = 1;

    while select inventTable
            where inventTable.ItemType    == _dataContract.parmItemType()
        cell    = cells.item(row, 1);
        cell    = cells.item(row, 2);

    return "Completed";
Step 5 : create AkkInventTableBatchController and write this      
class AkkInventTableBatchController extends SysOperationServiceController
Step 6 : Add defaultCaption() method to AkkInventTableBatchController class and write this      
protected ClassDescription defaultCaption()
    return "Invent Table Export Data Test";

Step 7 : Add new() method to AkkInventTableBatchController class and write this      

public void new()
    super(classStr(AkkInventTableBatchService), methodStr(AkkInventTableBatchService, exportExcel), SysOperationExecutionMode::Synchronous);

Step 8 : Add AkkInventTableBatchController () construct to
              AkkInventTableBatchController class and write this logic,

public static AkkInventTableBatchController construct()
    AkkInventTableBatchController   controller;

    controller  = new AkkInventTableBatchController();

    return controller;


Step 9 : Add main() method to  AkkInventTableBatchController class and write this logic,
public static void main(Args _args)
    AkkInventTableBatchController       controller;

    controller  = AkkInventTableBatchController::construct();

Class Looks like,

Open AkkInventTableBatchController  class and export data as per item type. like below,


  1. Hi,

    Am getting error while running in batch.

    Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.InvalidRemoteCallException: Exception of type 'Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.InvalidRemoteCallException' was thrown.

    at Dynamics.Ax.Application.SysExcelApplication.construct()

    at Dynamics.Ax.Application.AkkInventTableBatchService.Exportexcel(AkkInventTableDataContractBatch _dataContract) in AkkInventTableBatchService.exportExcel.xpp:line 15

    at AkkInventTableBatchService::exportExcel(Object , Object[] )

    at Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.ReflectionCallHelper.MakeInstanceCall(Object instance, String MethodName, Object[] parameters)

    at Dynamics.Ax.Application.SysOperationServiceController.Runoperation(Boolean _async) in SysOperationServiceController.runOperation.xpp:line 93

    at Dynamics.Ax.Application.SysOperationServiceController.Run() in 27

    at Dynamics.Ax.Application.BatchRun.runJobStaticCode(Int64 batchId) in BatchRun.runJobStaticCode.xpp:line 54

    at Dynamics.Ax.Application.BatchRun.runJobStatic(Int64 batchId) in BatchRun.runJobStatic.xpp:line 13

    at BatchRun::runJobStatic(Object[] )

    at Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.ReflectionCallHelper.MakeStaticCall(Type type, String MethodName, Object[] parameters)

    at BatchIL.taskThreadEntry(Object threadArg)


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